Bashari George


Mount Madonna Institute, M.A. in Ayurveda (2022)

Mount Madonna Institute, Ayurvedic Health Counselor (2014)

Bashari is an Ayurvedic practitioner, postpartum doula, health educator and mother who supports women in navigating the arch of womanhood with sacred wisdom practices to cultivate a deeper connection with our inner selves, our bodily knowing and our authentic power. She has a background in community centered health education and has facilitated workshops and events for many years. She has a Masters in Ayurveda and has studied Ayurvedic herbalism, Ayurvedic bodywork therapies, Ayurvedic postpartum care and other integrative modalities. She has been in clinical practice for over 10 years and feels called to focus her practice in the area of women's health, reproductive justice and supporting mothers and babies. She is honored to support women to incorporate the wisdom of Ayurveda as they move through the rites of passage that are menarche, motherhood and menopause. She offers Ayurvedic consultations, Ayurvedic bodywork and in-home postpartum care. She is grateful for the opportunity to be transformed by this work. To connect and find out more about Bashari’s offerings please visit: